Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Farewell to Arizona

Happy Birthday Boys!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Box Car Racer
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Camelback Mountain Hike
Andrew & Keaton ready to hike Camelback Mountain in the background.
Taking a quick break to let Dad catch up!
The first section requiring a handrail to climb up. Hold to the rod!!!!!
The second handrail section.
At the top...finally.

The Closest Thing We Have to a Tree House

Thanksgiving and "Bolt" in 3D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Good Laugh!
This was the hardest we've heard Matt laugh. Keaton was jumping around and yelling Boo! It was the funniest thing. Matt just kept laughing and laughing. We caught Matt on tape after he'd been laughing for 5 minutes or more. We couldn't stop laughing along with him.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Fall Baseball League - The Copper Crushers
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Going to California

Andrew said he'll miss climbing the fence to Nate's yard (their friend next door) and going to Marley Park. Keaton said he'll also miss climbing the wall and our tree out front. He'll miss Arizona but is looking forward to being close to Disneyland.
From Google maps it looks like Disneyland is about 55 miles away, Legoland is about 44 miles away, and Sea World is about 65 miles away. We went house hunting last week and have talked to friends in the area and it seems like a nice place to live.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 31, 2008
Making the Grade

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Fall Soccer Season
Here is a short video clip of Keaton playing goalie where he blocks a shot and then boots it down the field.
This is a picture of Andrew playing goalie in the second half, kicking a goalie kick. We have a video of Andrew but the file is too big to upload to the blog.
They have had a fun season. They had 3 friends from our ward on their team - Kaden, Jared, and Nate. Their team was one of the younger teams but they played very well. Tuesday nights were very busy for the boys who have Cub Scouts from 6-7pm and soccer practice from 7:30-8:30pm. They also just started fall baseball but have had to miss Tuesday practices for obvious reasons. After their last soccer game this Saturday our lives will get a little simpler.
We also found out how hard it is to get a good video clip of them playing soccer with our new camera. We are going to try to get some better clips this Saturday.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pinnacle Peak

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Boating on Lynx Lake (Part 2 of the Camping Trip)
Andrew and Keaton getting geared up.

Keaton rowing.
Lynx Lake north dock
Chris, Andrew, and Keaton getting set to take off on the paddle boat.
Camping near Lynx Lake

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Growing like crazy!

Matt is now 16 pounds and continues to grow quickly. He is so much fun. He is laughing and trying to talk. He has a bottom tooth breaking through so he drools a lot and tries to chew on everything. He is a pretty even-tempered little guy and is such a blessing in our lives. Keaton and Andrew are good big brothers. They always want to hold, hug, and kiss him.