Friday, October 31, 2008
Making the Grade

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Fall Soccer Season
Here is a short video clip of Keaton playing goalie where he blocks a shot and then boots it down the field.
This is a picture of Andrew playing goalie in the second half, kicking a goalie kick. We have a video of Andrew but the file is too big to upload to the blog.
They have had a fun season. They had 3 friends from our ward on their team - Kaden, Jared, and Nate. Their team was one of the younger teams but they played very well. Tuesday nights were very busy for the boys who have Cub Scouts from 6-7pm and soccer practice from 7:30-8:30pm. They also just started fall baseball but have had to miss Tuesday practices for obvious reasons. After their last soccer game this Saturday our lives will get a little simpler.
We also found out how hard it is to get a good video clip of them playing soccer with our new camera. We are going to try to get some better clips this Saturday.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pinnacle Peak