Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Farewell to Arizona

Goodbye Arizona! The movers will be here tomorrow to start packing us up. We are so sad to be leaving so many wonderful people and places in Arizona yet excited for a new adventure. I think our missions brought out our sense of adventure and desire to see and experience new places. Arizona is our new home away from home. We have loved it and it has been a great place for our kids - Keaton and Andrew have made a lot of great friends that they hope to stay in touch with as well. After living here for over three and a half years we have so many fond memories and have enjoyed making new friends and exploring the great sites here. We will also miss the mild winters (but not the hot summer days). Who knows - maybe someday we'll be snow birds and live here in the winter... In the mean time please drop us a line or stop by if you're ever in the LA/San Diego area.


  1. Good luck with the move - can't wait to come see you

  2. Have fun moving. It would be so fun to come visit. I do not envy you right now. Keep us posted on how everything goes. Love ya.

  3. Can't wait to see pictures of your new home, the kids at the beach, and other interesting places you find to take pictures of. We are very excited to come go to the beach(es) with you and the boys. Guess you better get back to those boxes!!!Love, Mom and Dad

  4. Can't wait for a new post with the new update! I hope all is well.
