Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cruisin' - Well, Kinda

We recently rediscovered a toy that Keaton and Andrew received for their 1st birthday - a walker. Matt has played with it before but was always more interested in playing with the toys on the front side of it. We decided to see if Matt was ready for it now. He is standing by himself and gets around the furniture quite well but hasn't taken his first unaided steps yet. The walker is perfect for him right now. He has taken quite a liking to it, cruisin all around the house. Soon he'll be walking on his own!


  1. My boys loved watching him walk. We watched it several times. He is so cute and getting so big.

  2. He's so cute, I love the little "talking" too. Can't wait to see you guys in a few days.

  3. Super cute! They are dangerous and fast once they get it down, watch out.

  4. Stacy, he is so adorable. Is it different having just one baby this time?
