Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to School!

Yeah! It's always so exciting when a new school year begins. The boys are now in 4th grade. Wow, does time fly. They have mentioned a few times that 3rd grade was a lot more fun. Fourth grade is challenging. They are learning cursive as well as doing a lot of social studies and science this year. We were told that they would have about 45 minutes of homework each night but it usually ends up taking about 2 hours plus 30 minutes of reading. The estimate of 45 minutes was actually pretty accurate but since they spend over an hour each day complaining about homework and finding various ways to tease and bug each other it usually ends up taking 2+ hours. We put a schedule together on family night to help them manage their time better during the week (so they can play more) but the jury is still out on whether they will concentrate better on homework.

Andrew ready for another sucessful year.

Keaton ready to roll.


  1. I can't believe they are already in forth grade. I remember hating cursive hopefully they will enjoy it more than i did. they are such cute boys.

  2. Cute, I cannot believe how big they are. Crazy they are in 4th grade. Time flies.

  3. Gosh, I miss you all so much. I'm glad your mom and dad post all these fun phots of you boys. It makes me sad I can't just zip down to Arizona and give you big hugs---oh yeah, you probably think you are too big for hugs. Love you anyway---Grandma Tree

  4. 4th grade? I didn't know that Jessie is in the same grade they are. Cursive isn't any fun, but once they get the hang of it - lookout!
